Like every other establishment, factories have a set of compliances to ensure and regulate their workings. In fact the factories act exists to provide health and safety measures to the workers and to curtail the events of exploitations done to factory workers such as

  1. Extra Working hours
  2. Non Providing of Holidays
  3. Child labour
  4. Women employees and their safety
  5. Occupational hazards
  6. Dangerous Equipment
  7. Non providing of safety gears
  8. Lack of Amenities in work space
  9. Over crowding
  10.  Less than Minimum wages
  11.  Night Shifts

In order to avoid such exploitation of workers the factories act requires registering the factory with respective authorities.

In Tamilnadu to establish a factory it has to be registered with the government and then a factory license has to be obtained.

The Authorised body that issues factory license is the Director of Industrial Safety and Health. The license is issued by the deputy chief inspector of factories, joint chief inspector of factories or the chief inspector of factories depending upon the number of workers.

The process is simple

  1. Plan approval – for construction of factory
  2. Registration and License

Factory registration is mandatory when

  1. A factory which has 10 or more workers in manufacturing process with utilization of power.
  2. A factory which has 20 or more employees in manufacturing process without utilization of power.


Plan approval is obtained by submitting form 1 in the DISH portal by the occupier of the factory.

Along with the application the following documents need to be submitted

  1. Plan
  2. Proof of Occupier
  3. Proof of premises

This process is online and the approval is given by Director of Industrial Health and Safety.

For Factory registration and license

  1. Occupier should apply Form 2 through the DISH Portal along with the payment of appropriate fees.
  2. Along with it Documents of the establishment, list of machineries with the details of Horsepower and proofs of occupier need to be submitted.
  3. This is submitted to the Director of Industrial safety and health.
  4. Usually the process takes around 30 days.

The whole process is online so that there is transparency and ease of working instead of tedious paperwork. Once the forms are approved by the authorities online the factory license will be mailed to the registered mail id.

License Renewal

Factory license renewal should be done two months before the expiry of the license. It is done online on the same portal that was used for registration – DISH. The occupier should apply for renewal and it takes up to 30 days after submission for renewal.

Factory Licensing and registration, though it may sound like a tedious process can be done swiftly and successfully with expert guidance.